Saturday, December 27, 2008

The first post...

Though I'm not entirely sure why anyone would be all that interested in my daily life, I have decided to dive into the world of blogging. Partly to overcome my need as a writer to only "publish" writing that is perfect, but also as a way of keeping track of my life for my son Jack. I have followed many blogs this past year, including a few where the authors have passed away at young ages. It was amazing to follow their journeys and their families have a part of them to keep and read again.

So, I suppose my first few posts will be getting to know about me and my family. I am a mother to Jack who just turned a year on December 7! My husband John and I adopted Jack in February 2007 and we maintain an open relationship with his birth family. I hope to be able to share not only my journey to adoption, but also my journey through adoption as it integrates into our lives. Adoption is no longer "something we did" - but it is now apart of who we are. It is forever entwined in the fabric of our life. It has been our greatest gift and given us our greatest joy. And I bet you're did we get here?


Nicole said...

YAY! Very fun-the blogging world is a whole "new world!" You'll love it . . . . you just have to find the time.
BUt, if all else fails-just post pictures-that's all we like to see anyhow! haha! j/k

AJS said...

Looking forward to following your blog.

Wendy said...

Congratulations on your new blog!