Though I want to talk about adoption on my blog because it is a big part of my life, I don't want it to be the only thing i write about. I do think the story to our son is a big part of my life and of 2008 for me. So before I head off into the new year - I thought I would recap our story a bit. (as short as i possible can!)
Our story is not unique. Infertility did in fact drive us to adoption. I'd like to say "it was something I always knew I'd do eventually" - it wasn't. I wanted a baby, a family, plain and simple. We struggled through 3 years of infertility treatments. Clomid and IUI got us pregnant after 6 months. I remember finally getting that pink line and being so excited that it was our turn. I bought a book for my husband and inscribed it, I framed a picture for Grandma with the potential due date - I never imagined in a million years after such a long struggle to get pregnant that I'd lay at our 8 week appointment staring at a monitor with no heartbeat. We grieved and got back on the fertility train in two months. Four months later - another positive. This time I was cautiously optimistic - but I was working in NYC and i was soooo sick. That was normal - I was throwing up, couldn't eat, etc. My numbers were through the roof and before I left for my 4 week gig - I surfed the web and it showed with those numbers it was either twins or a molar pregnancy. I had never heard of a molar pregnancy so I spent 8 weeks dreaming of two babies!
Eight week appointment - not only no heartbeat but I did in fact have a molar pregnancy - a complete molar at that which is more rare. I was sent to Northwestern Memorial for a D&C and follow up, since the rapidly dividing cells in a mole - mimic cancer cells and if the cells returned they could metastasize to my lung, liver or brain - leaving me with an 80% survival rate. Great odds but who wanted to risk it. The cells did in fact return and I spent the next five months on chemotherapy. Killing off the cells that at one point i though would be my biggest dream, my baby. The emotions and the process of infertility is truly only fully understood by those who walk it. I could solely blog about infertility and write forever. I may touch on it here or there especially if we decided to embark on it again. But for now - infertility and all the pain and frustration associated with it brought me to my greatest blessing. Our son.....
Screen Time Versus Quality Time With Your Kids:
9 years ago